What is this?

Indigenous Peoples, referred to by the United Nations as ‘the Original, Inhabitants of the Land’ are indigenous populations defined by self-determination and sovereignty who maintain historical, cultural and ancestral links to pre-invasion, pre-colonial societies and entities. Indigenous Peoples have been identified as the first protectors of the Earth, owing to their fundamental relationship with the environment and land which has been maintained over hundreds and often thousands of years. These invaluable knowledges and perspectives must be respected, valued and considered in order to build an equitable, sustainable and more harmonious planet.

See also: native people, mother earth, social change, first nations, natural world

Alnoor Ladha - Mystical Anarchism: A Spiritual Biography 2,455

TGPP Season 1 Epic-sode 3 - Part 2: Alnoor Ladha 28

TGPP Season 1 Epic-sode 3 - Part 1: Alnoor Ladha 26